(1) Best Paper Awards (Sessions SS01-SS14)

Call for Nominations (Open until 21st July 2021)
The organizers invite nominations for the Young Scientist Awards (Best Paper Awards).


  • Master’s and PhD students; and Post-doctoral fellows.
  • Those who can submit eight-page long paper for review by the selection committee by 21st July. Please download the template.
  • Paper can be co-authored, but the nomination is possible only when the nominee is the first author and either post-graduate student (Master’s or PhD) or post-doctoral fellow.
  • Those who deliver a presentation at the conference.
  • Each nominee can submit only one paper (as first author).
  • Age limit: Under 35yrs when the paper is submitted.
  • Nomination is needed.

Nomination should include:

  • Nomination Form, which can be downloaded below.
  • Paper (8-page long including figures, tables and reference list) for the review must be submitted to the organizers (‘infoglpasiaconference’ before ‘@gmail.com’) by e-mail attachment by 21st July 2021.
  • Please use the template below.
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • Complete list of publications and presentations at conferences.

Nominees are confidential and only the award-winners will be notified by e-mail before the conference. Award-winners will receive a certificate of merit at the closing session on the 17th July and will be posted online. The selection committee has the right of final decision.

Extra prize:

Papers submitted to Sessions SS01-SS16: Awardees will be given the extra prize of free APC or 50% discount of APC when the paper is accepted in the special issues of journals, Environments and Land, which are proudly sponsored by MDPI.

Paper Submission:

(1) Nomination Form (please use the Nomination_Form below),
(2) CV with the list of publications and presentations, and,
(3) 8-page paper (please use the Paper_Template below).
E-mail heading should be: Young_Scientist_Award_Nomination.
Please complete your registration by your nomination.

(2) Best Presentation Awards (General Sessions GS01-GS02)

Presentations done by post graduate students (Master’s or PhD) or post-doctoral fellows at GS01-GS02 are voted by the selection committee.
No nominations are needed.

Master’s and PhD students; and Post-doctoral fellows.
Those who deliver a presentation at the conference.
Age limit: Under 35yrs when the paper is submitted.

Extra prize:
Awardees will be given the extra prize of the ticket of complimentary registration to the 4th GLP Asia Conference.
Award-winners will receive a certificate of merit at the closing session on the 17th July and will be posted online.
The selection committee has the right of final decision.